Samarkand International Symposium on Magnetism SISM-2023
July 2-6, 2023
Submission of abstracts
Each abstract must have at least one author who has registered to SISM and who will present the paper at the Symposium. It is preferred that there will be only one abstract per registered participant. Each abstract must be submitted via Internet web page https://sism.samdu.uz/ before June 1, 2023. File format must be Microsoft Word. Each abstract is limited to one page in length. All material, including title, authors and affiliation, text, equations, figures, tables and references must be contained within a 16.5×21.5cm rectangular area. Center the title of the paper at the top of the page. It should be typed in capital bold letters. Below give the name(s) of the author(s), and on the next line the affiliation and address. Skip two lines and start the text. The text must be single-spaced. All letters should be no smaller than 12 point. The abstracts will be reviewed, and notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed by June 10, 2023.
You can download the template for abstracts here:
Download template
Abstracts sent via email, fax, or regular mail will not be processed or acknowledged. NO confirmation letter will be sent after submission – every participant is able to see, open, change and delete all uploaded files in personal account. Please, feel free to update submitted by you file any time prior to the deadline (June 1, 2023).