Samarkand International Symposium on Magnetism SISM-2023
July 2-6, 2023
Dear colleagues
The Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM) used to be held in Moscow every three years starting from 1999 up to 2017. The latest MISM-2017 gathered more than 800 scientists from 41 countries. Because of COVID we could not organize MISM in 2020. Due to the current problems in Russia, it is hardly possible to hold MISM in the previous format. The organizers of the MISM decided to shift venue of the regular MISM to the Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan) and name it as SISM-2023. Uzbekistan is safe and friendly country. Samarkand has numerous tourist attractions listed in UNESCO and it is easy to get visa and reach Uzbekistan by flight from any country. We would like to approach you with request to join the SISM-2023. The preliminary dates of the symposium are July 2-7, 2023, the venue is Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan. With best wishes,-
Prof. Nikolai Perov
Prof. Alexander Granovsky